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Showing posts from January, 2020


   A few Sundays ago, our pastor began a series about being a hungry church. Each angle he speaks from aims at one thing:   The blessing of being filled comes to those who are hungry. He is speaking from Matthew 5, a passage we affectionately call "The Beatitudes". I've been cooking on all this, and it is beginning to change me on the inside.  First, what am I actually hungry for? Where, and for what do I long? What do I ache for?  What do I feel like I'm without, lacking?  What do I think I need? Turns out, each place of longing (or hunger), is an opportunity to be filled.  What would happen if I turned each longing heavenward, and allowed the hunger to be filled with HIM? Can GOD fill my longing for a bigger house? Can GOD fill my longing for academic success for my little schoolhouse? Can HE fill my hunger for a quiet, peaceful home? I don't mean can He give me those things... I mean can He fill those longings with HIMSELF? ...