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35 weeks, 6 days, and grateful

I'm in the final count-down for Ruby's arrival! I've been writing lists, scratching them off as best I can, swelling, organizing, eating, peeing, rejoicing, and appreciating each peaceful moment I'm given
It's been really important to me during this pregnancy that I not get lost in the earthly preparations for this child, and forget to prepare my heart:

We know that the daily tasks of mothering are mostly just... tasks- and that the depth of mothering is found in the hearts of our children. Our goal is not to raise people that dress right, chew with their mouth closed, and remember to put the seat down. It is our purpose to cultivate adults that are aware of, able to receive love from and give love to God and others.

The end goal of my job as Momma is...
~that my children see, feel, sense God
~that my children's hearts remain soft enough to receive love from God
~that out of the overflow of receiving, my children give love back to God

~that my children are conscious of the needs of others
~that my children have enough humility to receive both tough and soft love from others
~that my children, in light of God's tenderness toward us, learn to choose to put others before themselves

Boy, oh, boy... which seems more daunting: diapers, stomach flu, potty training... or the above list??

I'm in the thick of all this with my boys, laying the groundwork at ages almost-3 and 4, and I must not forget to prepare more than a baby room for Ruby.

I've asked God since the beginning of this pregnancy to give me peace and rest before she comes. June was absolutely crazy (hence being sent to couch-warming duty for awhile), but as July begins I have been gifted some unexpected quiet moments. Thank you, to those of you that have been willing participants in God's orchestration :)

My husband has been extra-engaged with the boys, playing "Avengers", wrestling, and making Lego creations. His prayers over my tired body helped me rest reasonably well last night. My mom and Josh's mom have both come by and gifted me some feet-up time, and the boys have begun a new stage of play-mate which keeps them quite occupied! This morning they spent upwards of an hour in a fort I made them, driving places and making deliveries while I organized Ruby's closet... and God organized my heart.

After naptime (which ended up being lay-in-your-bed-and-giggle-as-quietly-as-possible-so-mom-doesn't-catch-us time) today, Henry discovered that if he drove his monster truck (gently-GENTLY!) over my belly that Ruby would kick and wiggle, much to his delight!

Jonathan's latest "jam sessions" have all been him on his guitar making up songs about his sister coming.

35 weeks, 6 days, and grateful

My belly as I see it :)

35 weeks, 6 days and grateful
God of all creation, prepare my heart to add a new little soul to my responsibilities. Keep my eyes stayed to the course, and my heart from the distractions of this world. Fill me daily, over and over, with all that I need.

Ruby Anjuli means this:
Precious Gem, Sent from God, Held with open hands.


  1. I have been very much caught up in all the "earthly" preparations lately, though some of it couldn't be avoided. Thanks for the reminder of what is truly important!


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