My boy leaned his warm, wiggly body against mine. He really doesn't fit on my lap anymore, but I squeeze him on anyway. His legs dangle most of the way down mine, and his upper body just barely fits against my chest. The worship team started a new song, and his little hands reached to wrap my arms around his stomach. He wanted to be held tight, and he settled deeper against me. I was singing, and I knew from when I was a child that he could feel the vibrations of my song against his body. Something about holding your child during worship makes the whole scene more vibrant... it engages my heart differently than when I'm alone. Then I felt something beautiful against my palm- the vibrations of HIS little voice! I squeezed his chest a little tighter against mine, and in unison our voices (and hearts) sang to our Creator. It was so brief, and so, so beautiful! I was struck by the symbolism of what I had experienced: that must be a taste of what God feels when our hearts are li...