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Showing posts from April, 2018

Surrender and Submit

Catchy title, right? A dear friend and I were both recently inspired to reconsider our definitions of submission and surrender, and to search the scriptures for perspective. What we found was shocking- the scripture has much less mention of surrender than I expected. But what about all our powerful, modern worship music about surrender?? What did we miss? Let's think about our cultural connotations for "surrender" for a moment. There are undertones of loss, giving up, defeat. Google defined "surrender" as such: Surrender: to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent, and submit to their authority And what about submission? (Don't freak out, hang with me a minute!) I think we've missed something here. Nothing the Lord asks of us should inspire us to climb the walls... He is GOOD! Google helped me with "submit" as well: Submit: 1) to accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another 2)to present ...