I have a couple trees in pots. I bought a few of them a few years ago and a few of them a few more years ago. Ok, maybe I have more than just "a couple" trees in pots. The cherry and apricot stubbornly sent roots out the bottom of their nursery buckets, refusing to be delayed in the planting process. The Asian pear is tiny and has obediently stayed in it's pot, faithfully giving as many little round pieces of fruit as it's tiny limbs can bear. The peach tree is trapped in a barrel with no holes to send rebel roots out of, and so is the pear. I'm saving them for when we buy land, so they can put down roots where we put down roots. Last year the pear tree put out a whole lot of little odd-shaped nubs that looked so promising. The tree is just a bit over my head, and it was SO exciting to think of all the pears we would soon be slurping over our lunch plates! But just a few weeks in to growth something happened, and the tree shed every last one. No pears. I don...