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Showing posts from December, 2021

Only One Voice

    I was gifted so many thoughtful things this year, many of which feed into my love of backyard farming. Today, I pulled on new work overalls, and happily christened them with a little dirt and hay out in the sunshine. My littlest squish pulled on his (rather ragged) coveralls, and together we set up a worm bin given by my Daddy, said hello to the goats and chickens, and burned lots of Christmas paper and cardboard.    Now that the whirlwind of Christmas is behind us, my thoughts are turning to the new year: lesson plans, class choices for my older kids, house projects, and health renewal. I've seen a lot of content regarding resolutions for the New Year- articles about the top 10 things successful people ALL do, tips for how lose belly fat fast, health regimens that are life-changing, even meme-worthy one-liners about how we should make patterns and not resolutions (which I happen to agree with).     I could write today about how I think it's s...