Have you ever read the Pooh Bear story where Pooh gets lots in the woods? He keeps walking and walking, trying his best to go in a straight line... hoping to find his way. He starts to realize that he keeps passing the same spot over and over- going in circles! I felt that way in church today, and I often feel that way when I sit down to write a blog entry. The sermon today was about the "circle of spiritual formation", about how we stay in a cycle of conviction, growth, allowing the Spirit room in our hearts, and around again, deeper and deeper toward God. Sometimes I feel like Pooh, revisiting the same spot in the woods without intending to-- walking in circles. However, while the circle of growth often gets exhausting and sometimes discouraging, there are some things I don't mind doing over and over again.
Most of you know that Josh and I are awaiting the birth of our 3rd child (T-29 weeks)- and carrying, birthing, and raising a child are things I am VERY excited to do again! At the top of this post I included some pictures of the first two- "before" and "after". Pregnancy can be tiring and uncomfortable, but the reward is so great that it's worth it! The moments captured in the "after" pictures make up for the discomfort and swelling in the "before" pictures.
I suppose the same is true about the Circle of Spiritual Formation. If I only focus on the current discomfort, I begin to lose sight of the reward to come when it's all over. Right now I'm near the end of a season of great discomfort (not talking about pregnancy here), and I've been very much focusing on the discomfort, feeling like Pooh (heehee, pun intended :) ). However, it is my intention to strive to focus on the coming rewards: soon, a growing business; soon, a remodeled house to live in; and finally, soon, my Creator/Savior will come for me.
**note to self: remember your eternal identity& your eternal purpose, remember that God often grows us the most through seasons of discomfort, remember that He is on your team and that Jesus would do over and over again what He did to rescue you.
***above pictures are in order: preg with Jonathan, preg with Henry; baby Jonathan, baby Henry
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