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...and the poop stories begin!

{ I feel I've been spared in the area of awful poop/throwup stories, in the mom-world. I have my share of stories that probably shouldn't be swapped over dinner, but nothing to blog about... until today. My poop stories begin!

A little back-ground info first: Jonathan is 2/3 of the way through potty training. He is consistently keeping underwear dry all day, but I'd been putting him in diapers for sleeping while he got the hang of the whole potty/underwear thing. Recently I've been working on having him sleep in underwear, but during the few weeks of diapers in bed, he has been waiting to poop until he knows he's in a diaper... which is only in his bed. So, consistently, 20-30 minutes after I put him to bed, "mama, I poopy...". A few days ago he got out of bed by himself and when I discovered him he told me, "mama, I poop. I put diaper in potty." He had pooped, taken off his diaper, dumped the poop in the toilet, and thrown the diaper in too! (he often watches me scrub out our cloth diapers in the toilet). Another time, a week or two before that he pooped in his underwear, removed his pants, and left a trail of little turd-lings falling out of his underwear all the way to the bathroom... kinda cute, actually :)

Okay, now to the climax. TODAY. Today I had him take his nap in his underwear. I explained that he needed to try to poop before his nap, because he was not to poop or pee during naptime. He seemed to be trekking with me, so I put him to bed. 30 minutes later I hear a mysterious thump. I walk in to find him naked from the waist down, blankets thrown off his bed, sitting cross-legged in a little circle of turd-lings... one in each hand being squished between his finger and thumb. :)
I took him to the bathroom, scrubbed his legs, feet, bottom, hands, arms... got him dressed in fresh clothes, and set about disciplining him. When we were done, I set him on my lap for a hug, and leaned in to kiss his sweet head- but stopped short. He smelled... quite strongly still of poop. I looked down at his hair, and he had two sticky-looking, matted down parts in his hair. I asked him if he had put poop in his hair and he softly said he had, so I asked him where else he had put poop and to my horror: "in my mouf." Yuuuck!
...So, he needed a bath. Currently he really doesn't like having his hair washed, but in this case, he NEEDED his hair washed! That ended up being more of a punishment than his original punishment! After much wailing, changing of clothes, discussing that playing with poop would not fly with mom, hugs, and a teddy bear, he finished his nap (not in HIS bed, of course, because that needed scrubbing...).
Through all of this, little brother slept!
I'm thankful for lots of things today: First, that the poop was turds, and not mushy. Then, that little Henry slept through it, that there was no need to scrub walls or steam carpet... on and on. Over all, things could have been way worse. But I do feel I've earned a small stripe in the mom-poop-stories world! Welcome to a new season, Mama!

The pictures attached to this post are not of today, but they involve diapers, silly little boys, and are a taste of this season :)


  1. ohhh my goodness, Anna!!! ha ha ha. That IS quite the diaper story. I could imagine ALL of it as I was reading, and I laughed. Oh yes, the poop stories. I know them too!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You handled it all very gracefully which is why you are still laughing.


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