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Evelyn Rose

It's time to write about Evelyn Rose.

We knew I was pregnant around Thanksgiving 2010 (no test, we just knew!). We waited to tell family until Christmas, and had our first Dr. appointment in January '11. In march we had an ultrasound and discovered we were having a girl!

After a couple hours of high excitement and celebration over our coming baby girl, I received a phone call from our Doctor. She had hard news for me- that our little girl was very small, and her brain was not forming right. We scheduled an ultrasound with a specialist, and prayed deeply for a week, for healing. During that week I prepared myself for a miracle, and also reached a place where I was overjoyed to take care of her, regardless of her condition. I did not prepare myself to lose her.
At our next appointment we met with a "genetic counselor", and I let most of what she said roll off of me, thinking it would not apply to us. We loved seeing her during the ultrasound- her feet, hands, face, eyes- we even saw her suck her thumb and pull on her ear like her Grandma Parkin! We saw that she is not just a baby, she is part of our extended family! After the ultrasound was over, we waited quietly for the Doctor to come & tell us that she was healthy. He came in and said he had some things to show us... my heart sank a little, but I hoped they would only be small things. He walked us through, picture by picture, showing us the parts of her body that were not forming right. Her body was 5 weeks behind in growth, there was a hole in her very big heart, and many parts of her brain were way different than they should be. He showed us how her sweet face and head had molded to make room for the parts of her brain that weren't growing right. We saw how my placenta had taken over the womb, leaving her only a tiny pocket of fluid.
My heart sank to the lowest place it has ever been. My head bent forward and hot, stinging tears rolled from my eyes to my heart. I couldn't breathe, as the doctor told me that she has no medical chance of living.
The first words I spoke were, "Babies are God's, and not ours.".
We asked lots of questions- if there was ANYTHING we could do to help her, what the coming days/months would look like, if there was any harm to my body, WHY she wasn't growing right...
They told us it was possible that she had gotten an infection in the early days of pregnancy, but more likely that she had 23 extra chromosomes- caused by either my cells not dividing, or by two sperm getting in at once.
We cried in that ultrasound room, because we so badly wanted a chance to love her. As the news sank into our hearts, we came to see: Either God would touch every cell of her body so that she could live- which would be a miracle worthy of the news- or, He would decide to keep her, and she would go straight from my arms to the arms of her Creator, never knowing the pain and evil of this world.
The days following were very dark. We tried to cling to truth, to hope. The words I spoke to the doctor rang in my mind, "No matter how hard the road before us is, we will get through with hope, because of the God that walks with us.".
Each morning was hard, not knowing what the day would bring.
We named her Evelyn Rose. Evelyn means "life", and Rose has become a symbol of God's careful orchestration of people and events that would help us through such tough times- the tiny glimmers of proof that God was walking with us.
Many, many people across the world are praying tearfully for her- crying out to our Creator to touch every cell, and continue to give her precious life. My prayer is twofold: As Jesus prayed in the garden for the Father to take his burden, but with surrender- Father, give her life! But not my will, Yours. And second, that her life would reveal God's greatness- no matter how long or short.

Josh and I have focused our energy on preparing to enjoy whatever time we get with her- even if it's just a few moments with her body. I sewed her a blanket to wrap her in when we hold her, and Josh made a playlist including a song to have a father/daughter dance with her.
...from a letter I wrote to her:
"It may be that for your dance, your earthly Daddy will hold your body, and your heavenly Father will hold your spirit. You may not be wearing a wedding dress, but you will be clothed in white. And both your Daddies (and me!) will have tears- Daddy and I, tears of letting you go, and the Father, tears of joy as He welcomes you!"
Not the way I had imagined her father/daughter dance, but yet deeply special.

Today we got to see her again! I had prepared everything we might need for a delivery, in case she had already gone-- but she is still alive! Her heart was beating between 150 and 160, which is normal! She still looks small, and from the eye of the in-office ultrasound, her head still needs healing, but she had a little more fluid around her, and we got to watch her have the hiccups!
We scheduled another appointment for next week to check on her. Each day that she lives is a miracle- our Dr. (who is a believer!) said she hasn't seen a baby with this diagnosis live this long! I don't know if God will choose to heal her, but I know He can. I also consider each moment that I get to carry her a treasure. I'm thankful that she has held out long enough for us to know that she's a girl, long enough to see her suck her thumb and have the hiccups. I'm also thankful for the time that God has used to changed our hearts from overwhelming fear and searing pain of loss, to joy for each moment we get! I'm also thankful for the two sweet, energetic little boys God has already given us.

God is with us, each step of this journey, and I will honor Him no matter what He chooses. Pray alongside us- for miracles, for God to show His greatness, and for continued peace.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart, Anna. We are praying for your family every single day.


  2. As a mommy of one sweet boy and another on the way, I cannot help but cry for you. God truly is amazing and it shows through you. Ill continue praying for you and your family which of course, includes sweet Evelyn Rose. I have no advice.... You are following God in this and that's all anyone could ask you to do or advise. You are also amazing and a great example, Anna. My heart breaks for you but at the same time I know just how blessed you are.

    May God be with you all and heal her!!

    Ashley B

  3. Love this post, Anna. Your heart is such am example of one who walks with God and truly trusts Him with every fiber of your being. I am humbled by your faith and your choice to have joy. God is doing a beautiful thing in you, both in Evelyn as well as in you personally. Blessed by His name!
    (Anna Ahrens)

  4. Very touching, Anna! Sometimes we don't understand what God has planned, or why things happen, but it is so comforting to know that God loves us and has a reason for everything. I am so thankful that you and Josh are putting your trust in Him... regardless of what happens, I know that God will use your story to lead others to a fuller understanding of Him, and for that, I am thankful. Lots of love and prayers -
    Love, Aunt Lisa & Uncle Gordon

  5. Dear Anna and Josh,we are deeply grieved to hear about your sweet baby girl's condition. God has allowed this for Evelyn Rose and for you as a family but we certainly don't understand. My mother's eye's filled with tears from your words and as I reflect back on being pregnant with Mary and David. We too have a little one that is waiting for us someday. Our little one was not the same in that we were only 6 weeks along.
    Praying for you and Josh and the boys are the days unfold. You have wonderful families to comfort and surround you as you walk through these days. Asking God to take care of all your concerns. With our love

  6. Lord Jesus. Thank you for Josh, Anna, and Elizabeth Rose. Thank you for Josh and Anna's faith in you and for the priviledge of seeing that faith lived out. Thank you for the peace that you have given to them. I am honored to share in their lives.

  7. Take comfort in the strength that He is giving you moment by moment, in the joy that he gives in the smallest of gifts, in the peace that He supplies when there is so much to think about......He is so close to you and Josh and your boys and your sweet baby girl, how precious is His love for you. This miracle is amazing to witness, and a reminder to everyone you share it with, how great God is and how caring Jesus is toward us.


  8. I dont know what to say, all I think has already been said in the others' comments. You and you family are such amazing people,full of love and courage. I admire you.

    I pray for your evelyn rose and think a lot of you!

  9. Our hearts go out to your family! I'm praying for you, praying for strength and joy and peace. May you experience such a depth of momentary joy and capturing each of these minutes of carrying a miracle. :) I so appreciate what you shared about trusting the Lord's vision is better than ours. No one could love Evelyn more than He does, but I think He made a grand choice in having you and Josh be her parents. Anna, my heart cries for you, but also smiles through the tears. You aren't just living, you are fully living--living a life of tangible faith in a God who can only be faithful. I think we just always think His faithfulness will look a certain way, but someone once said, "He reserves the right to give us better than what we ask for." I don't know what that will look like for you all, but I'll be praying! If I can do anything please let me know. May you be encouraged on in Him and keep on clinging to Him in all of this!

    With a hug,


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