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The boys God is lending me

...woah, two posts in a row! :)
Today I had some sweet moments with the boys God is lending me. Henry is my early riser (early has been transformed-after much diligent...diligentness- from 5:45 to more like 6:30 or occasionally later). I've been making it a point to be up before the boys when possible, but during the morning-sick stage of pregnancy, I've deemed it "not possible", so I've been waking up to little clunking noises through the baby monitor. Henry used to get up and stand in front of the door and cry (since it's dark still...), but as he grows he has started to go for the toy cupboard and pull out bins of motorcycles and race cars. I try to catch him as quickly as I can and depending on the time, either ask him to lay in his bed a little longer or whisk him away to let brother sleep. This morning it was in the window of "lay in his bed a little longer", so I got him tucked back into the soft darkness, and camped out on the floor outside their room (anti-nausea crackers in-hand). After awhile he snuck the door open and put his little tiny nose up to mine, "I- go- down- tairs, Mommy?", he whispered. "I - have- chocat- milk?" He takes a tiny breath between most words, which gets even cuter when he's whispering :) When we manage to vacate their bedroom before waking brother, Henry and I get to snuggle up on the couch with "chocta- milk" and my bible and his veggie tales "bible story book". His little warm body feels so sweet next to mine.
Jonathan is beginning to be afraid of the dark, lately. Tonight he had been in bed a little while when we heard crying. Daddy investigated and came back sheepishly to tell me that he had been talked into sending Mommy up to snuggle :) You don't have to tell me twice! I laid down next to him in his big-boy bed, and he snuggled in close. In the dark he lifted his beloved teddy and a monkey that Daddy brought home for him last night, up close to his face. He held the little stuffed faces up close to his, and laid there and looked at them. Since my head was right next to his, I caught a glimpse of what his little-boy eyes see as he falls asleep each night. After awhile he rolled toward me and wrapped both his arms around my neck, sandwiching Teddy and the new monkey between us. I laid as still as I could, taking in the warmth of his little arms, and the sweet, slight-pee smell of his beloved teddy (who does need to be washed soon). The hands he had tucked behind my head began to tangle themselves into my pony-tail, "can I play with your hair, Momma?", he whispered. After removing my hair band, I laid there and thought about what a privilege it is to be... "Momma" .
I also thought about how our children have the ability to completely enrapture us. I think it's because they are still very close to how God originally designed His people. Most humans acknowledge that babies are a miracle. And most people that hold babies sit and stare at their still, sleeping faces, taking in the wisps of Heaven that come with them. By adulthood our bodies show aging, we have emotional damage from a fallen world, we have areas with callouses, and we have made decisions that we know are not God's intent. But children are still fresh, in body and in spirit. I feel closer to God when I'm closer to my children. It makes sense, when I think of it like this, that Jesus said we need to be like little children to get into the Kingdom. What better way to learn "childlike faith" than to be close to our children...  more and more, over and over, I'm learning what a GIFT they truly are.


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