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Home made tomato soup, and an Epiphany

First, the tomato soup.
I love to grow tomatoes, but honestly I don't like to eat them... I don't like 'em raw, and I'm really not big on tomato sauce, either. SOOoooOoo... that leaves our 3yr old primarily responsible for eating two bushes-worth of cherry tomatoes from our garden! The other day I went on a hunt for a recipe that would use up the piles and piles of beautiful little cherry tomatoes that were piling up, and I found this D-lish-E-ous (as the boys say it) recipe:
Garden Fresh Tomato Soup

It was super easy to make, and everyone loved it! I served it with grilled cheese sandwiches, made from home made bread.

I use my breadmaker for the dough, then bake it in the oven


AND, here's my epiphany: I've been on the hunt for some advice about how to mildly tame my wild little indians- I don't expect them to sit quietly with their hands folded all day, but I've felt that they are often more rowdy than necessary. I also have been on the hunt for advice on how to keep them from beating on each other every 3 minutes or less :) I get that siblings fight, but it was becoming a constant-all-the-time-all-mom-does-is-pick-apart-fights thing.

Here's what I've discovered: SOLO time. (okay, don't judge me for not thinking of it sooner :) ) About 10:30 am I've been telling the boys that it's SOLO time (I explained the first time that no one was in trouble, it was just time to play alone). I have them pick a box of toys/ stack of books, and send them into separate corners (Henry's was nearest a toilet, since we're in the middle of potty training!). It's been 15minutes-ish, and I have really enjoyed having the time to do something all by myself that would normally either not happen, or get shoved to naptime (IE wash my face, write a blog entry... ;) ). I explained to them that I need SOLO time too, and often when we come back together everyone is refreshed! The first few were a bit rough (peeking out every 25 seconds from said "separate" corners), but once they settled into enjoying the time, it had the desired affect. I always tell them as I send them off, "Enjoy your time!" to remind them that no one is in trouble, it's just good for us.

SOLO time does appear to be helping diffuse the fighting, and has definitely settled down the excessive rowdiness. I also realized that it is beginning to train them for when naptime becomes quiet time (which I am dreading!! I love nap time!).

Band practice :)

little "Roo"
Any epiphanies YOU have had recently, fellow Mommas??


  1. Yay! Congrats, Mama! Way to be a warrior. (c; Those kids are SO blessed!

  2. What a beautiful little bunch of babes you have! and I am definitely going to try your recipe!!!

  3. I'm not having a fighting issue, but have considered having a "solo" time for Micah mid morning too. Sometimes he does it on his own, but lately he has been VERY co-dependent. That soup looks delish! I'll have to try it!

  4. That soup looks SO good!

    I don't know much about little boys, so I have to Jonathan and Henry actually fight - fight with the purpose of hurting each other? Or do they just play-wrestle like puppies? And how can you tell the difference?

    1. Their fighting is mostly verbal, with the occasional kick or punch... they do wrestle (supervised by Daddy of course!!), and love to play tackle football (also with Dad). Rough physical contact always needs intense supervision at this point, or it stops being friendly real fast ;)

    2. Got it. I have so much to learn about boys! Looking forward to it :)


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