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Too Fast

Last night all my kids were down and quiet by 8pm! I had cleaned the house Friday afternoon, and we were all gone the whole day on Saturday, so the house had stayed clean. There was only a small pile of laundry, we were caught up on our TV show, I didn't have any events to plan, he didn't have any worship sets to put together, no one was coming over, and neither of us were going anywhere. My husband and I wandered around our house a bit... not sure what to do with ourselves!

Then I remembered something: I used to scrapbook! A little bit in shock, I pulled out some dusty stacks of photos and paper, stamps and ribbons, and spread them over the kitchen table. ((Do I remember how to do this??)) I glued some things down on an album I started a year or so ago, and then began to thumb though some old photos.

Boy... the time has gone fast. As I flipped through the photos in my box, in backward chronological order, I watched as my kids' cheeks got chubbier... their legs got shorter, their elbow dimples reappeared, their baby wispy hair came back, my face got younger, life got simpler. I kept flipping... before Ruby was born, before Evelyn was born, back to the beginning of my sons' inseparable, competitive relationship, then before Henry was born, and then I really slowed down. I reached the section of photos that were taken when my oldest was little. That was such a golden, amazing first year of Mommyhood. Every day was filled with one-on-one time, as I discovered the waves of falling deeper and deeper in love with my offspring.

I snatched up several bundles of pictures, and plopped on the couch next to my husband, "Wanna walk down memory lane?..."

Jonathan and I on the beach in San Francisco (I was pregnant with Henry) Summer 2009

April 2010, little blonde Henry :)

Baby giggles from Henry, April 2010

Jonathan helping 4-day-old Henry with his binkie September 2009

and the boys' relationship begins! April 2010

Jonathan and Daddy December 2009

Mutually, after an hour of reminiscing, we reached a conclusion: Really, truly, the years are going too fast. I don't remember most of the struggles that happened between each beautiful, happy photo.

It was such a beautiful (in a strange, sad way?) experience. Those photos deeply reminded me that it does, indeed, go fast. Peeking back at the beginning of it all refilled my love-well to overflowing... I paused a little longer that night, when kissing each sleeping little forehead before ending my day.

Slow down, little ones... don't grow up too fast.

P.s. The above photos from April 2010 (and many others, on other posts) were taken by a very dear friend of mine... Caitlin Hooper. Look her up!


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