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V formation

I'm sure you've seen birds fly in "V" formation.  Know why?

The bird in front breaks the wind, and the flapping of it's wings generates an updraft for the birds behind, making it easier for them to fly. Birds rotate being the front-bird so that each can have a turn working to lead the pack, and have time to rest in the updraft of another.  Birds also have to be positioned strategically in order to gain the updraft rather than the accompanying down-draft. Their wings have to be in sync with each other, and close together.

Read about it here, if you like...

This week my man was a front-bird. He and I have the joy of leading worship together often, and in the days proceeding his turn leading, we feel the resistance. There is so much joy in what we do together, him as the front-bird in worship, and me close behind him- surveying the open sky before us, feeling the support and resonance of the rest of the flock flying nearby. The horizon is often bright and the freedom of a life in Christ is broad and inspiring! But there are times when there's no ignoring the resistance. Sometimes rain beats against his wings, and wind threatens to throw us off course. I admire the strength that is needed to take a turn being that front-bird. I have great respect for him as he sets and maintains each course!

If it's your season of being a front-bird, thank you for the updraft you provide for the flock.  If it's your turn to participate in the "V",  pray, pray, pray over the front-birds in your life. Pastors, elders, worship leaders, youth leaders, bible study hosts, small group leaders, quiet servants that aren't often noticed, and on it goes... a church isn't just one front-bird, there are many fronts, each providing updraft for those surrounding. Each needs the other- leaders need backup when it's time for them to rest in the updraft, as much as the "V" needs it's leaders. Also remember to position yourself to gain that updraft, and to pass it along to the next.

Isn't God's design incredible? I love how He is weaved through ALL His creation, and I love recognizing His fingerprint!

What a mighty God we serve!


  1. Awesome...Thank you..We all need each other. Love~Jack


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