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Sometimes I walk through the mud. I feel it forming thick clumps on the bottoms of my shoes, and seeping, creeping up my pant legs. After a little while I stop trying to keep the mud to a minimum, and get a little careless- letting the muck and grime splash up on the hem of my shirt. It seeps and creeps there, too, and I start to feel suffocated by it. Finally I abandon all cleanliness and knowingly wipe dirt from my hands across my face, feeling rather immersed and far from a spotless, sparkling bride. 

Sometimes the progression from mostly-clean to complete-mess takes me months to accomplish, and sometimes it happens in the first 3 minutes of my day.

I know too well the sinking feeling of the first splashes of darkness.

When I come to get clean I have another set of choices to make:

Do I turn my head down in the sink and splash my face clean... I feel a little better, refreshed enough to move on for a short while before the rest of me cries out to be washed.

Do I take a little more time, and rinse the grime out of my hands and hair, leaving my most-used portions clean while the rest of me stays in contrast... I can make it a little longer that way, pretending for a day that I'm clean all over.

Do I acknowledge every part of my mess, painstakingly stripping off each piece of mud-caked clothing, and stepping in with my whole being... I can feel all the way clean, and move and function in freedom again, unhindered.

The Lord tells me,
Linger awhile, my daughter, under the warm, refreshing flow. Let Me wash you clean, and then STAY. When you linger and be still I can work a little deeper... I can relax your tired muscles, and clean the depths of your pours. Breathe in the mist, and be more than made clean! Be refreshed, rest, and be renewed. Only then step out and dress for the path before you, don't cut yourself short, don't wash only the outside, don't carry extra mess... linger with Me.

When we meet with God, when we worship, when we do what we do to satisfy our spirit calling out to be made clean... let us linger and be MORE than made clean. After we linger with our Lord, we can not only walk in freedom, unhindered- we can rejoice in the sweet spot that is unity with our Creator!


  1. Shared with Josh Sunday, that I battle all week long in this spiritual fight and coming to worship is like R&R. Recuperation and restoration so I can get back at it next week.

  2. Anna, just what God wanted to show me today! Love you!


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