Their selfie, taken after my eavesdropping was discovered |
I had mostly cleaned up lunch, and was beginning to prepare an emotionally confused Princess for some quiet time in her castle. Two little boys strutted through in only their underwear, and I snagged them on their way by, "Um... what are you doing?"
[Usually underwear-only is a sign of great mischief, so I was on high alert.]
"Mom, we need to work out so we're strong so we can protect you and our sisters, and then we need to pray."
[These are actual words. Verbatim.]
I led that half giggling, half melting Princess into her bed for a solo tea party with her dollies, and began preparing little Butternut Squash for her nap. In the meantime those underwear-clad boys redressed themselves, went into their room and closed the door.
The moment their door closed, I pressed against the wood and strained to hear what happened within.
"Dear Jesus, I just thank you that..."
I was immediately rocked by silent sobs... I held myself as still as I could, hoping to catch every word. Back and forth they prayed, thanking Jesus for everything they could think of, praying for people to experience the love of the Father, ending each turn with, "in Jesus name, Amen". The moment one little voice said "Amen", the next little voice piped up, on and on, back and forth they went for fifteen, beautiful minutes.
Finally they were quiet for a few minutes, and I held myself poised for the moment they would catch me eavesdropping. The door stayed shut.
"Hey bro, we need to bow to God."
"Because we love Him so much, we just need to."
I heard them rustling, and then it was silent, as they bowed before their Creator, on the floor. I sank my knees and elbows and face into the carpet outside their door, completely blown away. They stayed still for a long, long time, and so did I.
Part of my mind was racing with overwhelming praise, and part of my mind was blank with awe at what God had been stirring in their hearts. I did not teach them what they had just done. Their hearts were open to the Father, and HE had been stirring. Behind all the craziness, the energy, the ever pending sibling tussles, HE had been stirring in their hearts. I had been feeling discouraged in Motherhood, feeling like I did the same things, over and over, day in and day out, seeing very little result. But HE had been stirring!
What a beautiful, sneak-peek into who God is forming those boys to be, and WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!
Incredibly awesome! It shows how well they are being taught and trained about the love of Jesus. They already have such an intimate relationship with Him and the fact they they share it with one another is such a blessing. Thank you God for encouraging this Mama's heart in such a profound way.