Yesterday, the boys and I vacuumed up a whole clan of elder-beetles. EW. You know those {slightly creepy} annoying beetles that take over around this time of year? Yesterday they showed up on the outside of one of our upstairs windows. I noticed them in the morning, but they were outside, so I let them be. ...however, during naptime, I discovered they had found cracks in our window sill, and started invading!! The whole window and walls/ceiling surrounding was crawling with them. While I'm a little weary of elder-beetles, I'm significantly less afraid of them than I am of spiders. So, when the boys got up from their nap, I informed them that we had a mission: vacuum up bugs. I had spent their nap stuffing the sill of the window with toilet paper to prevent more from coming in. Jonathan and Henry thought it was hilarious, chasing after them all with the hose of our shop-vac!
I got to thinking...
I have known since we moved in this summer, that the windows weren't sealed well. They are 100 yr. old wood-framed windows (some new glass, but the wood is all old), and as the weather gets colder, I have been feeling the cold air sneaking in through invisible cracks. I'm a little bit thankful to that clan of elder-beetles for revealing the areas of that window that need sealing before the winter cold sets in.
Life is kindof like that, too. Sometimes big messes reveal areas that we are weak, and allow time for us {and God!} to patch things up before the next season comes.
**side note: I'm pretty sure spiders are taunting me. I've been shocked lately at the SIZE of the ones sneaking into my house, perching in obvious places, and DARING me to smash them! {and stomp on them, and flush them!} Today, a HUGE one (biggest yet) was sitting haughtily in the same spot I found those elder-beetles, waiting for me to find it and smash it. No life lesson outta that one. :)
***side note to the side note: I did reach a new level of mom-hood recently. I captured a spider I found in my kitchen {instead of smashing/stomping/flushing!}, put it in a clear, plastic container, placed it ON MY KITCHEN TABLE, and made it into our school lesson for the day. We drew it, counted it's legs, and learned that "S" is for Spider. Gold star, mom. (...right?? EEEWW!)
Lol! I think you earned more than one gold star momma! Eww and double eww! :)