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Sometimes I wonder if all that I'm pouring into is gaining any ground. Mostly I wonder this in the area of training my children... they are so intense! The last few months-ish I've been working to tighten things up- be finished with some, and create other new ones, and it's been lots of work! My dear, sweet husband is working hard to keep up with taking care of me, taking care of them :)

I've had a little encouragement lately... some from a friend I've had for a long time. She's so concisely, gently upfront with me. I respect her resolve to be godly, and her willingness to be purposeful in all she does. She treats me like I am who I should be, which in turn encourages me to head that direction :) I praise God for her!

Jonathan also encouraged me tonight. He didn't want to go to bed, he wanted me to, "stay with me, Mommy, I just LOVE you!" He coaxed me into snugglin' next to him, and he played with my hair, gently planted little kisses on my cheek, and after he thought I was asleep he whispered to himself, "This is my mommy, she has long hairs..."and things of the sort. His little hands paused on my ear, my cheek, and and my jaw, feeling what I look like in the dark. He laid his head down on me sometimes, as he got more and more tired. Moments like that, he slows down long enough for me to see and feel his sweetness and affection. I'm going to remember tonight, when he picks up speed again tomorrow :)


  1. That is so perfect!! Great inspiration for me in remembering to give the boys that one on one love,attention and patience. As my boys are intense as well! ;)

  2. You are a WONDERFUL mommy and wife! I about cried tears of joy at your description of Jonathan's tenderness. You are so BLESSED, my friend! (c: And I am blessed to know you! (c;

  3. I know that question! Especially in times like these, when the effort increases to keep up with their ever-growing selves. I think the more consistent we are, the better chances of it gaining the ground we're fighting for. I've been wondering lately about trying to pick up a few new areas with the boys... but have to admit I'm nervous about the energy I know it will take, and the distance I know I will have to go for it to have a chance. Keep up the good work Momma. I think of your mother's day card often about kids being sponges... taking all we have to pour into them over and over and then with one squeeze (or snuggle time!) they give it all back. Wishing you many squeezes of encouragement ;-) Love you - love sharing this journey of motherhood with you.


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