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Hello!  Today's post is just a few random things in my head, my heart, and my home.

On Friday Josh found a box of Legos at a garage sale! BEST. $20. SPENT. EVER. My boys of all sizes have been sprawling on the carpet, spending most of their playtime digging through piles of new-to-them Legos. It has been so peaceful, and so reminiscent of both Josh's childhood and mine. I'm really excited for the beginning of this season of hours and hours of Lego time, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Soon Daddy will be home extra to help me with adding our newest member, and soon I will often be parked on the couch nursing, and it has been on my heart to add more activities of this sort to the boys' day. Tonight Jonathan spent almost a whole hour building creations all by himself- I couldn't help but capture a few pictures!

I love his deep-in-thought face

soooo into his project

Hi, mom :)

sticking out his tongue helps with creativity...

I LOVE the people

Completely switching gears, I sat by myself for the first time in YEARS today at church. Josh was leading worship, and I'm taking my leave from being up front for awhile (getting too hard on my body...), so I sat in the congregation by myself. It felt rather peaceful! Jack had everyone find someone to pray for after announcements, and everyone around me grouped-up. I put both hands on my stretch-marked middle, and decided that my "someone" to pray for was Ruby.  It's rather different praying for an unborn baby... after a few moments one of my favorite older gentlemen put his thin, well-worked hands on my shoulders and prayed for me and my child within. I like this guy so much because he is in his 70s (at least?), a retired pastor, and he occasionally exclaims his agreement of a statement made from the pulpit by shouting, "TRUTH!". Whenever I hear him, I make note of what was worthy of being so boldly labeled "truth"- after that many decades of commitment to God and ministry, he must have such rich perspective.

And just a few random funnies to wrap things up:

You might be almost-due-pregnant IF:
~you've ever needed to use the restroom more than 3 times in one church service
~you've ever day dreamed about labor
~watering the plants includes intentionally watering your own feet
~your children play "mommy" by stuffing newspaper under their shirts :)

he emptied the tools out of his pockets and stuffed newspaper under his shirt to play "mommy"

playing "mommy"

another symbol of their boy-hood: the beginning of a collection of tools!

...personality :)

...personality :)

**one more thought... I haven't forgotten those of you whose hearts ache to carry a child. I think of you often, especially now, and I continue petitioning on your behalf.


  1. Thanks AnnaRuth. Wish we weren't so far away so we could meet Ruby! The boys are getting so big. Our Jonathan will be 3 one month from today. Thought he'd be a big brother by now but I think God decided one crazy-busy little boy is more than enough for us lol....just so grateful that we have him. Hope you have a very smooth delivery. Take care, Julie


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